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PhD Thesis
Tettamanti M.
Language Acquisition and Processing – Hierarchically Organized Cognitive Processes. University of Zurich, Switzerland (2004).
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selected publications (by year)
Moro A., Tettamanti M., Perani D., Cappa S.F., Donati C., Forbice V., Fazio F.
Syntax and the brain: disentangling grammar by selective anomalies. Neuroimage 13(1):110-118 (2001).
Tettamanti M., Alkadhi H., Moro A., Perani D., Kollias S., Weniger D.
Neural correlates for the acquisition of natural language syntax. Neuroimage 17: 700-709 (2002).
Perani D., Cappa S.F., Tettamanti M., Rosa M., Scifo P., Miozzo A., Basso A., Fazio F.
A fMRI study of word retrieval in aphasia. Brain and Language 85(3): 357-368 (2003).
Vitali P., Tettamanti M.
La récupération de l'anomie: le chemin neurobiologique pour retrouver ses mots. Rééducation Orthophonique 219: 95-106 (2004).
Tettamanti M., Moro A., Messa C., Moresco R.M., Rizzo G., Carpinelli A., Matarrese M., Fazio F., Perani D.
Basal ganglia and language: phonology modulates dopaminergic release. Neuroreport 16(4): 397-401 (2005).
Tettamanti M., Buccino G., Saccuman M.C., Gallese V., Danna M., Scifo P., Fazio F., Rizzolatti G., Cappa S.F., Perani D.
Listening to action-related sentences activates fronto-parietal motor circuits. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 17(2): 273-281 (2005).
Vitali P., Abutalebi J., Tettamanti M., Rowe J., Scifo P., Fazio F., Cappa S.F., Perani D.
Generating animal and tool names: an fMRI study of effective connectivity. Brain and Language 93(1): 32-45 (2005).
Tettamanti M., Weniger D.
Broca's area: a supramodal hierarchical processor? Cortex 42(4): 491-494 (2006).
Vitali P., Abutalebi J., Tettamanti M., Danna M., Ansaldo A.I., Perani D., Joanette Y., Cappa S.F.
Training-induced brain remapping in aphasia: a pilot study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 21(2): 152-160 (2007).
Siri S., Tettamanti M., Cappa S.F., Della Rosa P., Saccuman C., Scifo P., Vigliocco G.
The neural substrates of naming events: effects of processing demands but not of grammatical class. Cerebral Cortex 18(1): 171-177 (2008).
Tettamanti M., Manenti R., Della Rosa P.A., Falini A., Perani D., Cappa S.F., Moro A.
Negation in the brain: modulating action representations. Neuroimage 43(2): 358-367 (2008).
Romero L., Tettamanti M., Cappa S.F., Papagno C.
Idiom comprehension: a prefrontal task? Cerebral Cortex 18(1): 162-170 (2008).
Canessa N., Borgo F., Cappa S.F., Perani D., Falini A., Buccino G., Tettamanti M., Shallice T.
The different neural correlates of action and functional knowledge in semantic memory: an fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex 18(4): 740-751 (2008).
Tettamanti M., Rotondi I., Perani D., Scotti G., Fazio F., Cappa S.F., Moro A.
Syntax without Language: Neurobiological Evidence for cross-domain syntactic computations. Cortex 45(7): 825-838 (2009).
Abutalebi J., Tettamanti M., Perani D.
The bilingual brain: linguistic and non-linguistic skills. Brain and Language 109(2-3):51-54 (2009).
Abutalebi J., Della Rosa P.A., Tettamanti M., Green D., Cappa S.F.
Bilingual aphasia and language control: a follow-up fMRI and effective connectivity study. Brain and Language 109(2-3):141-156 (2009).
Ghio M., Tettamanti M.
Semantic domain-specific functional integration for action-related vs. abstract concepts. Brain and Language 112(3):223-232 (2010).
Vitali P., Tettamanti M., Abutalebi J., Ansaldo A.I., Perani D., Cappa S.F., Joanette Y.
Generalization of training for anomia: evidence from changes in cortical connectivity. Neurocase 16(2):93-105 (2010).
Manenti R., Tettamanti M., Cotelli M., Miniussi C., Cappa S.F.
The neural bases of word encoding and retrieval: a fMRI-guided transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Brain Topography 22(4): 318-332 (2010).
Enrici I., Adenzato M., Cappa S., Bara B.G., Tettamanti M.
Intention processing in communication: A common brain network for language and gestures. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23: 2415-2431 (2011).
Tettamanti M., Rognoni E., Cafiero R., Costa T., Galati D., Perani D.
Distinct pathways of neural coupling for different basic emotions. Neuroimage 59(2):1804-1817 (2012).
Battaglia M., Zanoni A., Taddei M., Giorda R., Bertoletti E., Lampis V., Scaini S., Cappa S., Tettamanti M.
Cerebral Responses to Expressions of Emotions and the Development of Social Anxiety Disorder: a Longitudinal Study. Depression and Axiety 29(1):49-61 (2012).
Tettamanti M., Moro A.
Can syntax appear in a mirror (system)? Cortex 48(7):923-935 (2012).
Taddei M.*, Tettamanti M.*, Zanoni A., Cappa S., Battaglia M. (* authors with equal contribution).
Brain White Matter Organisation in Adolescence is Related to Childhood Cerebral Responses to Facial Expressions and Harm Avoidance. Neuroimage 61(4):1394-1401 (2012).
Marcone A., Garibotto V., Moresco R.M., Florea I., Panzacchi A., Carpinelli A., Virta J.R., Tettamanti M., Borroni B., Padovani A., Bertoldo A., Herholz K., Rinne J., Cappa S., Perani D.
11C-MP4A PET cholinergic measurements in aMCI, pAD and DLB: A Bayesian method and voxel-based analysis. Journal of Alzheimer Disease 31(2):387-399 (2012).
Alemanno F., Houdayer E., Cursi M., Velikova S., Tettamanti M., Cappa S.F., Leocani L.
Action-related semantic content and negation polarity modulate motor areas during sentence reading: a mu event-related desynchronization study. Brain Research 1484(12):39-49 (2012).
Locatelli M., Gatti R., Tettamanti M.
Training Of Manual Actions Improves Language Understanding of Semantically-Related Action Sentences. Frontiers in Cognitive Science 3(547):1-10 (2012).
Bellebaum C., Tettamanti M., Marchetta E., Della Rosa P.A., Rizzo G. Daum I., Cappa S.F.
Neural representations of unfamiliar objects are modulated by sensorimotor experience. Cortex 49(4):1110-1125 (2013).
Bianchi A.M., Marchetta E., Tana M.G., Tettamanti M., Rizzo G.
Frequency-based approach to the study of semantic brain networks connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 212(2):181-189 (2012).
Bartoli E., Tettamanti A., Farronato P., Caporizzo A., Moro A., Gatti R., Perani D., Tettamanti M.
The disembodiment effect of negation: negating sentences related to actions involving proximal or distal arm musculature attenuates their interference with congruent arm movements. Journal of Neurophysiology 109(7):1782-1792 (2013).
Consonni M., Cafiero R., Marin D., Tettamanti M., Iadanza A., Fabbro F., Perani D.
Language Proficiency, Age of Acquisition and Exposure in word production and sentence comprehension in Bilinguals. Cortex 49(5):1252-1258 (2013).
Tettamanti M.
A research program in neuroimaging for an evolutionary theory of syntax. Language and Cognition. 5(2-3): 57-66 (2013).
Ghio M. Vaghi M. Tettamanti M.
Fine-grained semantic categorization across the abstract and concrete domains. PLoS ONE. 8: e67090 (2013).
Garibotto V.*, Tettamanti M.*, Marcone A., Florea I., Panzacchi A., Moresco R. Cappa S.F., Perani D. (* authors with equal contribution).
Cholinergic activity correlates with reserve proxies in Alzheimer's Disease. Neurobiology of Aging. 34(11): 2694.e13-2694.e18 (2013).
Romero Lauro L.J., Mattavelli G., Papagno C., Tettamanti M. She runs, the road runs, my mind runs, bad blood runs between us: literal and figurative motion verbs. An fMRI study. Neuroimage. 83: 361-371 (2013).
Canessa N., Crespi C., Motterlini M., Baud-Bovy G., Chierchia G., Pantaleo G., Tettamanti M., Cappa S.F. The functional and structural neural basis of individual differences in loss aversion. Journal of Neuroscience. 33(36): 14307-14317 (2013).
Vigliocco G., Kousta S., Della Rosa P.A., Vinson D., Tettamanti M., Devlin J.T., Cappa S.F. The Neural Representation of Abstract Words: The Role of Emotion. Cerebral Cortex. 24(7):1767-1777 (2014).
Rüther N.N., Tettamanti M., Cappa S.F., Bellebaum C. Observed Manipulation Enhances left Fronto-Parietal Activations in the Processing of Unfamiliar Tools. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99401 (2014).
Spada D., Verga L., Iadanza A., Tettamanti M., Perani D. Melody, accompaniment, and the auditory scene: an fMRI study with professional pianists. Neuroimage 102, part 2, 764–775 (2014).
Albertini S., Tettamanti M., Moro A. Sintassi e working memory: un nuovo paradigma di valutazione. Sistemi Intelligenti XXVII(1), 27–44 (2015).
Danelli L., Marelli M., Berlingeri M., Tettamanti M., Sberna M., Paulesu E., Luzzatti C. Framing effects reveal discrete lexical-semantic and sublexical procedures in reading: an fMRI study. Frontiers in Psychology 6(1328): 1-18 (2015).
Ghio M. Vaghi M.M.S., Perani D., Tettamanti M. fMRI mapping and decoding of fine-grained conceptual categories across abstract and concrete semantic domains. Neuroimage 132: 93-103. (2016).
Caminiti S.P.*, Tettamanti M.*, Sala A.*, Presotto L., Iannaccone S., Cappa S.F., Magnani G., Perani D., for the A.D.N.I. (* authors with equal contribution) Metabolic connectomics targeting brain pathology in dementia with Lewy bodies. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 37(4): 1311-1325 (2017).
Tettamanti M., Vaghi M.M.S., Bara B.G., Cappa S.F., Enrici I., Adenzato M. Effective connectivity gateways to the Theory of Mind network in processing communicative intention. Neuroimage 155: 169-176 (2017).
Zapparoli L., Tettamanti M., Porta M., Zerbi A., Servello D., Banfi G., Paulesu E. A tug of war: antagonistic effective connectivity patterns over motor cortex and the severity of motor symptoms in Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. European Journal of Neuroscience 46(6): 2203-2213 (2017).
Tettamanti M., Conca F., Falini A., Perani D. Unaware processing of tools in the neural system for object-directed action representation. Journal of Neuroscience 37(44): 10712-10724 (2017).
In press
Conca F., Tettamanti M. Conceptual semantics as grounded in personal experience. Phenomenology and Mind In press.